

The purpose of this website is to provide you with tools for your own personal research. Below are links to assist you.


Shorts: Definition Smart Cities and 15-Minute Cities

Overview of Smart Cities

Overview of 15-Miniute Cities

Breaking Down Smart Cities – UN, WEF, Public/Private Partnerships 

Selling You Smart Cities

Smart City Surveillance Program 

WCF – Selling Smart Cities to the World

BBC looks at Smart Cities

Unelected, Unsupervised World Economic Forum Drives Smart City Governance

Smart Devices, Smart Cities, Surveillance, Censorship and Control

Peterson on Oxford’s 15 Minute Smart Cities

Are 15-Minute Cities Smart?

15-Minute Utopia Cities 

The Catholic Stand on 15-Minute Cities

Dan Luscher: “We must define and quantify who has access to what and where.”

A City is Not a Computer – philosophical sides of city optimization



Tulsa Planning: Transit-Oriented Development, 15 Min Cities – Presentation, Jenks, Ok

The Man Behind Turning Tulsa into Beta City, U.S.A.

Awake Oklahoma: Smart Cities and Why We Should be Concerned  

Taking Steps Toward a Smart City 

Sustainable Development – Oklahoma for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise



Smart Cities or Surveillance – New Castle, New South Wales, Australia 

Smart Cities in the Netherlands

Nick Fletcher MP, 15-Minute Cities – United Kingdom

Video: Nick Fletcher MP, 15-Minute Cities – United Kingdom

Over 2,000 London Panopticon 545 Govt ULEZ Spy Cameras

Member, European Parliament explains 15-Minute Cities

The Promise and Threat of China’s Smart Cities

International 15-Minute Cities

World-wide Smart Cities Now Concerned

World Report Link on Smart Cities 2023-2027




Great Reset

A Skeptic Reviews the Great Reset 

The Great Reset in 17 Minutes – In Their Own Words 

CBN News looks at The Great Reset

Robert Kiyosaki/Mark Moss discuss the WCF


World Economic Forum 

World Economic Forum (WEF) – Wikipedia 

WEF Partners

WEF attendees

4IR, Schwab and Harari overview

Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

Klaus Schwab  – Founder WEF 

Noah Harari – creative / spokesperson WEF part 1

Noah Harari – part 2

UN 2030, C40 Cities and Agenda 21

Deep Dive into UN 2030 Documents

Agenda 21 – How Will It Affect You?

C40 Cities and Mayors of the World

C40 Cities and Their Danger to the World

(At the time of posting, some links may require registering your email or limit number of views. These have been included while attempts have been made to not include sites requiring payment.)



The following corporations enable the implementation of Smart Cities and 15-Minute Cities:

  • US Ignite 
  • Spectrum
  • QualComm 



  • New urban agenda
  • Urbanization
  • Shared vision
  • Sustainable future
  • Transit oriented development
  • Resilient
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Equitable community
  • World-class city
  • Equitable outcomes
  • Mobility innovation strategy
  • Sustainable development
  • Urban density zones
  • Automobile free zones
  • Smart-growth
  • Coherent deployment
  • Security Inclusivity
  • Complete streets 15-minute cities
  • Expanded transit system
  • Zero emission buildings
  • Promote pedestrian safety
  • Common vision
  • Welcoming/inclusive city
  • Low carbon development            
  • Land use policy and transfer



Smart Cities and 15-Minute Cities claim to “Build Back Better” by adhering to the method of “Identifying, Measuring, Monitoring & Monetizing.” How this is accomplished and by whom are the outstanding questions to answer. 

Try alternative search tools such as “Resulthunter” search engine and platforms such as “Rumble.” 

Explore associated research with Smart Cities and 15-Minute Cities

  • ESG 
  • Digital ID
  • Vaccine Passport
  • Social Credit
  • Surveillance 
  • Sustainable
  • Questions for your research

What are Smart Cities? How are they developed and who is in control once they are established?

What has Tulsa (or your city) already done to lay plans for it to become a Smart City?

What is a 15-Minute City? How are they developed and who is in control once established?

What is the difference between a Smart City and a 15-Minute City?

How can I be involved to assure sovereignty and privacy of individual citizens within my city?

“Better that right counsels be known to enemies than that the evil secrets of tyrants should be concealed from the citizens. They who can treat secretly of the affairs of a nation have it absolutely under their authority; and as they plot against the enemy in time of war, so do they against the citizens in time of peace.” 

– Baruch Spinoza